What To Do with A Diamond Engagement Ring from a First Marriage
We come across this question all the time – “What to Do with A Diamond Engagement Ring from a First Marriage?”
While a diamond engagement ring from a first marriage may be a touchy subject, there are numerous solutions for putting your old diamond engagement ring to use. Other than just selling it outright, you may want to think about letting a jewelry professional design and create something new. This may be done by using your old ring to restyle into something new and exciting. Also, If not for yourself, then perhaps a loved one? Even though the diamond is from another marriage, it may still represent a memorable time in your life. Were there children from your previous marriage? If so, surely you know that your children were the result of that initial love you once shared with your former spouse. Furthermore, you may still have positive feelings and memories about that joyous time in your life. Conversely, it is something to consider.
Depending on the size or shape of your diamond, several ideas come to mind for a new, meaningful, and special piece of jewelry. Your new jewelry design may be something as simple and elegant as a drop diamond pendant. Or perhaps something more decorative by adding some lovely color to the design. By color, I mean colored gemstones such as Emeralds, Rubies, or Sapphires. Of course, a birthstone could be even more significant. If not your birthstone, then perhaps a colored gemstone that is representative of one of your children? Again, depending on the circumstances, maybe even the birthstone of your previous spouse?
What about a new custom design for you or your children?
When thinking about, What To Do with A Diamond Engagement Ring from a First Marriage, consider the following. How about a newly created custom design from your previous diamond ring would be a perfect gift for your children. Perhaps the main center stone could be used for a future engagement ring as a family heirloom. Also, a graduation gift made from your previous diamond engagement ring would be ideal. While there are other momentous occasions, I could go on and on with other fine suggestions. You may need to think a bit more about which direction you want to go in by way of a family member or not. I hope this helps.
Feel free to email at info@VillarrealJewelers.com for any other questions you may have. Or if you are local, schedule an appointment with us.
Learn more about Villarreal Fine Jewelers here.
Joseph R. Villarreal, Graduate Gemologist (G.I.A.) – Villarreal Diamond Engagement Rings and Fine Jewelry