In honor of World Water Day, learn all about how the startup Kelp Blue is cultivating giant kelp as a nature-based solution to a more sustainable future.
Only Natural Diamonds – BY PAULA LEE|

Diamonds and Kelp: The Unexpected Duo Helping Fight Climate Change.
The United Nations has dubbed March 22, “World Water Day” to highlight the importance of fresh water and to advocate for the sustainable management of freshwater resources. When you think of kelp, you may automatically think of seaweed that gives your favorite sushi roll a flavorful hit of umami. But did you know that the marine plant is also a player in the fight to reverse climate change?
Netherlands-based mariculture startup Kelp Blue is joining the charge with its mission to grow large-scale kelp forests to not only capture carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, but also to increase biodiversity in the ocean while developing nature-based products for regenerative agriculture. It’s an innovative, multi-pronged approach that has the capability to reduce stress on the environment and restore equilibrium to the planet.
“Just by creating a lot of biomass, you’re storing carbon,” Caroline Slootweg, co-founder and CCO/CMO of Kelp Blue, tells Only Natural Diamonds. “But also by creating an ecosystem and increasing that marine biodiversity, you’re adding to ocean resilience. If we don’t have healthy oceans, then we won’t exist. So we think kelp is one of the solutions, not the solution, but one that should seriously be considered.”

“When you create these giant forests, you also create an enormous amount of space for an ecosystem to develop,” explains Slootweg. “Wherever there’s kelp, there’s an enormous amount of marine life. About 800 species have been known to live in and around these giant kelp forests.” To learn more about the fish and marine creatures that call the deep seas home, Kelp Blue developed an environmental tracking and acoustic sensing program to catalog the evolving ecosystem.